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The following features are available in the Relationship Screen

Relationship Dropdown (List of Relationships the Selected character has started)

Selected Character to Selected Relationship

Daily relationship setting toward the selected relationship.

Lifetime relationship toward the selected relationship.

Crush setting toward selected relationship.

Love setting toward selected relationship.

Maximize toward selected relationship. (Settings are set to as high as possible in this window)

Selected Relationship to Selected Character

Daily relationship setting toward the selected character from the selected relationship.

Lifetime relationship toward the selected character from the selected relationship.

Crush setting toward the selected character from the selected relationship.

Love setting toward the selected character from the selected relationship.

Maximize toward selected character from the selected relationship.

Maximize Both Relationships (Maximizes settings in the above two windows)

Left Lower Slider applies to buttons to the right of it

Set All Daily (Sim) (Set all relationships of the Selected Character to one setting)

Set All Lifetime  (Sim) (Set all relationships of the Selected Character to one setting)

Set All Daily (NGBD) (Set all relationships for all characters in the Neighborhood to one setting)

Set All Lifetime (NGBD) (Set all relationships for all characters in the Neighborhood to one setting)

Additional notes:

Not all relationships will have all four relationship records. They vary depending on the expansions installed, the previous relationship levels, and whether the character has ever been seen in the game. Your results from changing these settings will not always match once you are in the game for this reason. This is especially noticeable regarding the Crush and Love attributes since those records are not created until the characters have reached a certain level in the relationship.

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