Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) will go here as they develop. The questions fall into one or more of the following categories. If you do not find your question listed in a program specific category be sure to check the General Questions as it may apply to all programs.

Program Feature and Update Revisions

SimEnhancer 3D 3.0.7 Bld. 307 Updates?

Support for the new Making Magic expansion added. User Interface changed due to a change in the game regarding thumbnails. (I.E. The game no longer supports them and they have been problematic in the last few expansions. Therefore they have been removed.)

SimEnhancer 3D 3.0.6 Bld. 287 Updates?

Updates to SimEnhancer 3D include the following:

  1. Corrected an issue where persons using early European versions of the game (Mostly German I believe) were unable to see characters in the 3D viewport. If Unleashed was installed then pets could be seen but never adults or children. Under these conditions SE3D was not finding the skeleton required to display the characters. This has been corrected so it will find it and display them now.
  2. A change to the code determining between children and adults was made program wide so that characters set up as teens with an age of 18 will be seen as adults instead of as children when the data is loaded for jobs and skins. I still have reservations in allowing anything other than 9 or 27 to be used as the age since that is what the game is set up for but this should allow the characters to be used even if they have a different age.
  3. In a few places where I noticed the code could be improved I have done so. In these cases it will slightly improve the performance though it is doubtful that it will be noticeable. (These little improvements do add up over time though)

SimEnhancer 3D 3.0.6 Bld. 279 Features/Updates?

"Feature Update" Updates to SimEnhancer 3D include the following:

  1. Added delete functions to allow deleting bmp and cmx files from SimEnhancer 3D that are not in far files. To delete cmx files you must first delete any bmp files listed with the cmx in the selected skin tone. (You actually should first check all skin tones to be sure all bmp files are first removed that are used with a particular cmx file) Always be sure to run the Skin Validation and Missing Skin Check in every neighborhood you play after deleting any skin files. This is absolutely necessary as it is actually possible for a bmp file to be assigned as the default inside a skn file. If a problem is found you can restore the files from your recycle bin as long as you have not emptied it yet.
  2. Corrected an issue with assigning the right closed hand. This will only effect games using older expansions that were still recognizing hands assigned to the character. (If Unleashed or Superstar are installed it no longer recognizes hands assigned to the character)
  3. Corrected a minor issue when importing skinny nude textures that was not always allowing them to be imported.
  4. Modified a routine that should keep it from choosing a different texture than what is already assigned when both textures have similar names.

SimEnhancer 3D 3.0.6 Features/Updates?

"Big Feature Update" Updates to SimEnhancer 3D include the following:

  1. Added new feature to allow moving characters into any normal house. This is found in the form of a new drop down list in the House/Job window where a list of families that live in normal homes are listed. Families such as Townies and Tourists will not be listed since they do not live in a normal house. See the SE3D User Guide for specific details regarding this feature.
  2. Fame levels changed to reflect more accurately the way the game sets and uses them.
  3. Updated the Neighborhood screen to correct an issue where deleting the current neighborhood was not updating the rest of the data to reflect the change. I.E. It was not reloading neighborhood one.
  4. Several minor cosmetic issues were also corrected.

SimEnhancer 3D 3.0.5 Updates?

  1. Superstar Fame levels added.
  2. Support for High Fashion skins added.
  3. Made a change to the way images are being read that may correct an issue that has occasionally been reported where images do not always display.
  4. Corrected an issue where skin bmp files that are not square would cause an error.
  5. Added support for all expansion levels.
  6. Modified character thumbnails so they are expansion specific. This will correct the odd looking thumbnail for people using both Vacation and Superstar expansions.
  7. Skin import, export, and CMX Builder modified to import/export nude skins for use with Unleashed and Superstar expansions. (Version 3.0.3 and before displayed skins that these two expansions now ignore)
  8. Nude skins modified for Unleashed and Superstar to only display skins these expansions actually recognize.
  9. Backup/Restore modified to only include data common to all neighborhoods to avoid both long backup/restore times and to avoid using large amounts of disk space unnecessarily. (Neighborhood one contains a large amount of data that is not common to all neighborhoods)
  10. Added the ability to modify Family Names. (This will effect all characters using the same family data. For instance all Townies, Anybody's, Etc. will take the same name since they share the same family data)
  11. SEPs updated to include export/import of High Fashion skin data and Fame levels.
  12. Skin Validation updated to include High Fashion skins.

SimEnhancer 3D Version 3.0.3 Updates?

SimEnhancer 3D Updated December 15 to include the following updates:

  1. When the game has been moved from the installed location it now updates the game registry to reflect the change.
  2. When corrupted characters are found it now attempts to repair them and in most cases will be successful. (In testing it was 100% successful however it is possible for the characters to be corrupted beyond what SimEnhancer 3D can repair.)
  3. Added the following languages. (Corrections and additional languages will be released in a language pack update separately)
    • French
    • Italian
    • Swedish
  4. Change to Korean characters to address wrong character set showing for character names.

SimEnhancer 3D Version 3.0.2 Updates?

  • Fixed an issue relating to skin tones when importing SEP files. Same issue as with the Makeover Screen in the 3.0.1 update. Also made some minor adjustments to the thumbnails to make them look better. They still are not the same quality as what the game creates when it works but they are better then the previous builds.

SimEnhancer 3D Version 3.0.1 Updates?

This update actually includes two updates. First was an update to correct an issue where corrupted character data would lock up SimEnhancer when it was loading the Neighborhood character data. The second is an update to correct an issue in the makeover screen where the characters were reverting back to the original skin tone after they had been changed.

SE Object Manager 1.1.4 (Beta) Updates?
  • Support for the new Making Magic expansion added.
  • Name and description not working correctly in languages other than USEnglish corrected.

SE Object Manager 1.1.3 Updates?

Updates to SE Object Manager 1.1.3 include the following.

  1. Superstar Studio Sort locations added.
  2. Duplicate Object ID check updated to include the Superstar objects when checking for duplicates.
  3. Made a change to the way images are being read that may correct an issue that has occasionally been reported where images do not always display. (This is not related to the red x which indicates that there is not a thumbnail bmp in the file)

SE Object Manager 1.1.2 Update?

  • Corrects a serious error when saving *.iff files to *.far files that can corrupt the *.iff files placed into them

SE Object Manager 1.1.1 Updates?

  • Primarily this update was to include functionality to work with Sims Unleashed and is a free update if you have previously purchased it. You will however need your unlock code from the previous purchase to unlock it. Here is a list of changes specific to this version.
    1. Option to turn off filtering of objects that may cause problems when edited.
    2. Community Sort added
    3. Pet sub-sort added to Miscellaneous
    4. Languages changed to work in the same manner as SimEnhancer & SimEnhancer 3D
    5. 3 new switches added (These switching work exactly like the ones listed on the Extras page in the SimEnhancer 3D User Guide)
      • /L (Language switch)
      • /BackColor (Color of the background)
      • /FontColor (Color of the Fonts)
    6. Warning added to the Clear Thumbnails option for those using Unleashed
    7. Corrected an issue where editing Names and Descriptions was being disabled when saving as *.iff files.
    8. Corrected an issue where objects with a sub-sort that does not match the normal ones was placed in the first sub-sort, The game actually puts them into the "Other" sub-sort.

SE Object Manager Version 1.0.5 updates?

  1. Version 1.0.5 corrects a number of minor issues,
  2. It also includes support for working with and saving Read Only files as an alternative to using Far files
  3. Additional Logic added when checking Object ID's to determine if the files are duplicated rather than being duplicate Object ID's in different files. This will help in eliminating duplicate files rather than changing duplicate ids unnecessarily.
  4. Additionally it includes support for the following languages:
    • German,
    • French,
    • Italian,
    • Spanish.

Version 1.0.4 Corrects a problem where items may not show up in Amenities in Vacation areas after sorting them with it selected.

Version 1.0.3 corrected a regression bug that caused a list index error when there were no more items to sort in the folder (Related to list resetting).

Version 1.0.2 corrected a problem where auto sorting files that had already been auto sorted would throw the files into the recycle bin, It also included a fix to keep the list from resetting to the top when sorting.

SimEnhancer 3D Questions

  • There are no thumbnails next to the name with Version 3.0.7, Why?
    • Version 3.0.7 of SimEnhancer 3D primarily adds support for the Making Magic expansion. One of the changes in the Making Magic expansion is that the game no longer saves thumbnails into the character data at all. With earlier expansions it would save it into the data but even with Unleashed and Superstar expansions it would only save it under certain circumstances or in some cases not at all. I.E. This was already a problem prior to Making Magic. Since Making Magic no longer saves the thumbs into the files at all they were also removed from SimEnhancer 3D to avoid the confusion everyone would have when all of their characters displayed a question mark instead of a face.
  • Important information regarding skins using letters in the 3 digit number location and game crashes. (Especially High Fashion skins but may include others)
    • Apparently there was a change in the Superstar expansion regarding support for skins using letters where the 3 digit numbers are normally located. Beginning with Superstar any skins using letters in this position reportedly can cause game crashes. (This was passed on to me and reportedly was posted by a Maxis Tech.) In a future update to SimEnhancer 3D I plan to add support for checking this to skin validation however I was not aware of this in time to add it to Version 3.0.5.
      • Example:
        Ha20FaFit_SomeSkin.cmx - "This could cause game crashes"
        H120FaFit_SomeSkin.cmx - "This should not"
  • Error message: "OpenGL wglCreateContext Failed"
    • This message indicates a failure when the video drivers are setting up the 3D displays. (I.E. Your video drivers are not fully supporting OpenGL properly) This can usually be corrected in one or more of the following ways. First is that you can try to update your video drivers for your video card to a set that fully support OpenGL. Normally you can find updated video drivers from the manufacturer of your video card. Second you can try adjusting the hardware acceleration in the display properties. Usually found under the Settings tab Advanced button and then the troubleshoot tab. When reducing the hardware acceleration you should use the highest setting that will allow it to work properly.
  • Character Display problems using SimEnhancer 3D (Updated)
    • First be sure you are using the latest release of SimEnhancer 3D as there is a good chance this has been resolved, especially if you are using an early European version of the original game. If the characters do not display properly in the 3D windows in SimEnhancer 3D with the latest version installed it usually can be corrected by updating your video drivers with a set that fully support OpenGL. There also have been a few reports that simply rebooting the system has corrected this issue. If neither of the above corrects this then there may be a problem with some of the data in the skin bmp files. A tester reported that doing a batch conversion to 8 bit (256 colors) on all 3rd party skin bmp files using IrfanView corrected this even though they already all showed as being 8 bit (256 colors) prior to this. Doing so changed the file sizes by a few bytes leading me to believe the files either were corrupted or were missing some data.
  • Some of my characters are missing thumbnails. I have SimEnhancer 3.0.5 and the Superstar expansion.
    • This has to do with when the game is saving thumbnails into the actual character files. At this point it appears to only be saving them when loading the game. If you go to an area (Downtown, Studio Town, etc.) and then change an outfit and return home the correct thumbnails show up in the game but it does not save them back into the character files. Thumbnails will be saved back into these files the next time you load the game and visit the offending characters home.
  • Additional information regarding Townies, Anybody's, Somebody's:
    • When changed these characters do not necessarily load new thumbs at game start since they do not actually live in a home in the neighborhood. For these characters I have not yet figured out exactly what keys the game to tell it to add new ones but I have verified that it does eventually do so. It may however take a few times playing the game before the new thumb will show up in SimEnhancer 3D. (I had one in testing that took 3 times of game play to show up in the data)
  • I can't see custom nude outfits in SimEnhancer 3D anymore.
    • This is due to a change in the way they are assigned when Unleashed or Superstar expansions are installed. SimEnhancer 3D has been corrected to only show nude outfits that are valid for the character and that have names that match the normal outfit they are currently assigned. You must use the Import Skin Textures or Export Skins button in order to change them when using these two expansions. More details on how to do this can be found in the User Guide for SimEnhancer 3D.
  • SimEnhancer 3D keeps saying my neighborhood needs to be updated when I know it already has been. I also had a newer expansion pack that I removed.
    • If you remove a newer expansion pack (downgrade) then it may leave the associated ExpansionPack folder in your game. If it does then SimEnhancer 3D will expect to find neighborhoods with data that matches that expansion. It uses the folders since it is the most reliable way to determine what expansions have been installed. Here is a list of folders and the matching expansion. To correct this you will need to remove the folder that went with the expansion you removed.
      • Living Large = ExpansionPack
      • House Party = ExpansionPack2
      • Hot Date = ExpansionPack3
      • Vacation = ExpansionPack4
      • Unleashed = ExpansionPack5
      • SuperStar = ExpansionPack6
      • Deluxe = Deluxe (Does not actually effect this in SimEnhancer 3d)
  • My characters have hands and heads only in the formal and swimwear screens using SimEnhancer 3D. I also don't have any expansion after House Party. What is going on?
    • SimEnhancer and SimEnhancer 3D assign new outfits for these two types using Hot Date naming standards. (Even for expansions prior to Hot Date) To change these two categories you will need to add Hot Date named outfits into your skins folder. Many of these can be downloaded for free from several sites or you can create your own. There are several sites with tutorials for creating them if you decide to go that route.
  • SimEnhancer 3D Thumbnails?
    • For Sims Unleashed this problem has been addressed with the patch released for Sims Unleashed by Maxis. (Note: It still remains for Objects.)
  • When I try to Import or Export a SEP file it tells me I am missing some required components what now?
    • Importing and Exporting SEP files use XML and ADO components during Import and Export that are included with MDAC 2.7 which may be downloaded from the Microsoft Web Site.
      MDAC Microsoft Data Access Components (Scroll to the bottom of the page and select your language from the drop down list)
  • Unusual Character Name and Bio in early game versions?
    • This may happen if you are using an International version of the game. Apparently there was a change at some point in the language strings or they were not included for the original characters. This only happens with the original characters shipped with the game and can be corrected using the Skin Makeover Kit to edit the name and Bio.
  • Interests not available in early game versions?
    • Interests are disabled because versions of the game prior to Hot Date randomize the interests when characters interact. Therefore changing them has very little benefit.
  • Requirements for Children to wear Formal Outfits?
    • SimEnhancer allows you to choose formal outfits for your Sims children.
  • Special Requirements for Swimsuits & Formals with early game versions?
    • SimEnhancer only handles Swimsuits and Formal Outfits that are named using Hot Date names. This was necessary to avoid problems in Hot Date or newer versions that use these for downtown buyable outfits. I have provided a default set that includes the original formals and swimsuits used by the game if you need them. Incidentally these are identical to the S100 and F100 original series included in Hot Date. Download Here, Unzip, and place in your skins folder.
  • Why do the Pajamas work differently for Sim Children?
    • (This does not apply to all expansions) They use the old 30 record format for skins even though they have the additional 3 records in the files. The old format requires a certain file naming convention be used for the pajama skins to show up. They are also based around the body used and not the character. Trying to assign pajamas to the character itself results in a character that just wears whatever happens to be on at the time as pajamas.
  • Why do the Gorilla hands show up for Sim Generated Hot Date Sims?
    • There is a bug in Hot Date that assigns the wrong formal hand skin to Sim generated skins. In many cases a Sim Townie and some others will have this skin for formal hands as the default. Maybe they will fix it with the patch when it comes out. (Assuming they are working on one)

SE Object Manager Questions

  • Red X in SE Object Manager revisited
    • Many of you have asked about the red X that is displayed for object images in SE Object Manager. This red X simply indicates that there is not a thumbnail catalog image in the file. This does not mean the object is bad. In expansions prior to Sims Unleashed the game automatically updated the objects with new thumbnails when the object was viewed in the game. It stopped doing this when Unleashed was released. It does create the image when viewed within the game but it is not saved back into the object file.

SimEnhancer Questions

  • File Not Found error with SimEnhancer version 1.6.1?
    • Corrected in Version 1.6.2. Download and install the current versions to correct it.
  • When I try to Import or Export a SEP file it tells me I am missing some required components what now?
    • Importing and Exporting SEP files use XML and ADO components during Import and Export that are included with MDAC 2.7 which may be downloaded from the Microsoft Web Site.
      MDAC Microsoft Data Access Components (Scroll to the bottom of the page and select your language from the drop down list)
  • Unusual Character Name and Bio in early game versions?
    • This may happen if you are using an International version of the game. Apparently there was a change at some point in the language strings or they were not included for the original characters. This only happens with the original characters shipped with the game and can be corrected using the Skin Makeover Kit to edit the name and Bio.
  • Interests not available in early game versions?
    • Interests are disabled because versions of the game prior to Hot Date randomize the interests when characters interact. Therefore changing them has very little benefit.
  • Requirements for Children to wear Formal Outfits?
    • SimEnhancer allows you to choose formal outfits for your Sims children.
  • Special Requirements for Swimsuits & Formals with early game versions?
    • SimEnhancer only handles Swimsuits and Formal Outfits that are named using Hot Date names. This was necessary to avoid problems in Hot Date or newer versions that use these for downtown buyable outfits. I have provided a default set that includes the original formals and swimsuits used by the game if you need them. Incidentally these are identical to the S100 and F100 original series included in Hot Date. Download Here, Unzip, and place in your skins folder.
  • Hot Date Official Patch compatibility?
    • Version 1.2.1 has been updated to deal with these patches automatically by checking several attributes for each Far file.
  • Are The Sims Character Makeover Studio, Sim Wardrobe, and other utilities compatible with SimEnhancer?
    • As of Version 1.1.1 yes. Some of them are based around a 30 record skin file and may actually delete Hot Date records forcing Hot Date to rebuild the missing records each time. In Version 1.1.1 I changed SimEnhancer so it puts back the records when they are missing. This should take care of any incompatibilities between them.
  • When I change a character the face does not show up in SimEnhancer, Why?
    • This is normal when the change will effect the way the character thumbnails will look in the game. This is to allow the game to generate new images that match their new look.
  • Why do the Pajamas work differently for Sim Children?
    • (This does not apply to all expansions) They use the old 30 record format for skins even though they have the additional 3 records in the files. The old format requires a certain file naming convention be used for the pajama skins to show up. They are also based around the body used and not the character. Trying to assign pajamas to the character itself results in a character that just wears whatever happens to be on at the time as pajamas.
  • My Sim works fine but no matter what I do the wrong thumbnails are displayed.
    • This is due to corruption and can probably be fixed with Version 1.1.1 or higher. To correct this open the character in Skin Makeover Kit. Then click on every skin type. Then put a check in the Reset Thumbnails box. Click OK and exit SimEnhancer. Start your game and interact with the character. The correct thumbnails should be displayed.
  • Why do the Gorilla hands show up for Sim Generated Hot Date Sims?
    • There is a bug in Hot Date that assigns the wrong formal hand skin to Sim generated skins. In many cases a Sim Townie and some others will have this skin for formal hands as the default. Maybe they will fix it with the patch when it comes out. (Assuming they are working on one)
  • When I use the Skin Makeover Kit the screen starts flashing and I need to use ctrl-alt-del to stop it. Or there are no meshes available for some body types for a character when there should be.
    • The problem. The body in question is most likely using a custom skin where the body size is not one of the standard ones (fat,fit,skn).
      • The fix. Switch the body size to a standard size before trying to change the skins.
  • When I start the Skin Makeover Kit I get an error message "Invalid Class String".
    • Download Version 1.3 or higher to correct this. It was due to the absence of the MSXML Parser on some systems which is no longer required unless you use SEP files.

General Questions

  • My unlock code isn't working. Why not?
    • There are only two reasons that an unlock code will fail to work.
      1. You are trying to unlock the wrong program. For instance you are trying to unlock SimEnhancer 3D with an unlock code for SimEnhancer.
      2. The System ID used to generate the unlock code does not match the one displayed in the registration window of the program. For instance you are trying to unlock the program on a second system when you are only allowed to unlock it on one or you have made a major system change to your system.
        In the case of #2 if your system id has changed you will be allowed to generate a new unlock code as long as you have not received one for a particular purchase recently. Visit the Purchase Confirmation and Unlock Code Generation Page. You will need the invoice id from the purchase and the email address currently recorded with your purchase.
  • For all questions regarding unlock codes I will need the following information:
    1. The invoice id for the purchase. This can be obtained from the transaction details for the purchase in your Paypal account. Do NOT send the transaction id as it is useless. It is used by Paypal for tracking the transaction and is not traceable in the database for the unlock codes.
    2. The currently displayed system id in the program. Displayed in the registration window for the program just above where the unlock code is entered. The program must be installed to get the system id.
    3. A quick explanation of the problem. Please be brief and to the point.
  • I purchased the program but I haven't received an unlock code yet?
    •  If you just purchased the program then please be patient. Most of the time the unlock codes are available within seconds but occasionally it will take longer to process the purchases. If it has been longer than a few hours then the following are common reasons for not receiving the instructions.
      1. The most common reason for not receiving the instructions is due to a change in your email address. Check your Paypal account and make sure the primary email address for it is valid since that is where the instructions are emailed to.
      2. The second reason that the instructions are never received (actually they are but they are not seen) is due to an email filter deleting them when they arrive. This is especially common with AOL and Web Based email since they often have email filters turned on by default that delete any and every email with Sales in the email address.
  • Common issues with Sims Unleashed installed? (Unleashed Bugs)
    Here is a list of issues found when Sims Unleashed is installed. Most of these occur in all installations of it on any operating system. Some are obviously bugs and some may be intentional changes in the way it works.
    1. Thumbnails are no longer being created for characters when the appearance changes. This is most evident when a program has been used to change the head on the characters but can also happen in the game itself if an assigned skin either is removed or has an error in it. SE3D has a work around for this issue so that any characters changed with it will at least be recognizable instead of the weird upside down head. Corrected with a Patch released for Sims Unleashed by Maxis.
    2. Thumbnails are no longer being created for objects. This seems to be related to the above problem. It will be most evident when creating cloned objects using Transmorgifier since it removes the thumbnails which use to be created by the game. It is not apparent if these two problems were intentional or not.
    3. The game is not saving outfit changes that are made in the game. I.E. If you go downtown and buy new outfits they work fine but then once you close the game and open it again the original outfits are back. This is obviously a bug which I assume will be corrected when (if) a patch is released. Changes made with SE3D are saved. Corrected with a Patch released for Sims Unleashed by Maxis.
    4. Women walk like gorillas. It appears the animation assigned is not correct. This is also obviously a bug which I assume will be corrected. Note: Corrected with a Patch released for Sims Unleashed by Maxis.
    5. Water is caught under objects.
      • This could have been intentional however if so it was not fully implemented since characters can't clean up water once it is under objects. Obviously this is also a bug since it either was not intended or was not completed. Note: Corrected with a Patch released for Sims Unleashed by Maxis.
    6. Formal outfits assigned to children are reversed by the game. Of all of the issues this one bothers me the most. It can't really be classed as a bug because there was a conscious effort by someone to add code that would reverse any attempts to assign the outfits. While there may be a logical reason for doing so I can't figure it out. My assumption therefore is that they simply decided they wanted us to play the game the way they want us to rather than the way we want to.
    7. Nude outfit changes in the data are no longer recognized in the game. It appears this was changed to use the old way of assigning them to the outfit instead of the character however I can't understand why. Since there has never been a way to assign them directly in the game it can't really be called a bug although it seems odd that they would change this after it has been available to change in the data for a long time. Maybe another attempt to make us play the way they want?
      • To assign Nude outfits to a character in Sims Unleashed you need to assign the Nude outfit to the normal outfits using the last portion of the name. When you do all character wearing that outfit will be assigned the same nude outfit.
        For Example:
        Normal Outfit:

        Nude Outfit:
        Mesh configuration (*.cmx) files are ignored for nude outfits in Sims Unleashed.
    8. Game crashes when lots are rezoned. This seems to be an issue with portals or some other item that is not being changed when lots are rezoned. I haven't looked at it closely to see if it happens in all installations or with all lots. Status Unknown.
  • Various File Access Errors - Read Only Files
    • This issue should be corrected in all applications now. Download and install the current versions to correct it. For SimEnhancer and SE Object Manager you will need to have your unlock code handy when installing a newer version.
  • My characters go to bed in their normal clothes, Why?
    • This is usually caused by a bad CMX file. Interestingly enough this is not limited to downloaded skins. While programming the SimEnhancer Character CMX Validation program I discovered that there are 6 CMX files installed with the Hot Date expansion pack that do not reflect the name correctly inside the files. The SimEnhancer Character CMX Validation program can correct this and other common character CMX file related problems.
  • When I try to run the program I get a List index Out Of Bounds error, what's wrong?
    • This is because SimEnhancer can't locate or can't access the Directory where your game is. If you are running a user account on Windows 2000 you can either log in as an Administrator or try installing SimEnhancer to the default directory. (C:\Program Files\SimEnhancer)
  • When I enter my Unlock Code I get "Error message #0203 Error in saving message" and then the program closes?
    • You need to have Administrator privileges to enter your unlock code. Log on using an account with Administrator privileges to unlock SimEnhancer.